От името на ръководството на Дружество на кардиолозите в България, бихме искали да отправим апел за съпричастност към решаването на бежанския проблем в Украйна и молим всички колеги, които имат възможност да дарят средства за хуманитарна помощ към Украйна!

Прилагаме информация за следните организации:

Украинския червен кръст (https://redcross.org.ua/en/donate/

Сдружението на Украинските организации в България "Мати Украйна" (https://www.motherukraine-bg.org/suggest-help и https://www.platformata.bg/bg/kauzi/1531:help-ukraina/details/campaign.html). Сдружението работи с Украинското посолство и оказва хуманитарна и правна помощ на украинските бежанци

Български червен кръст https://www.redcross.bg/



28 Feb 2022

With utmost concern, the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) learns of the current crisis in the heart of Europe. The ESC, throughout its 70 years of existence, has remained fully committed to scientific and educational co-operation across geographical borders and political systems with the collective aim to reduce the burden of cardiovascular disease – anywhere in the world.

The ESC condemns the military aggression put forward by the leadership of the Russian Federation against one of our member countries, Ukraine. In strong support of our colleagues and all others caught in this crisis, the ESC urges for the aggression to cease and any conflict to be resolved swiftly and on peaceful terms. The ESC calls to ensure humanitarian and medical aid can reach those who need it, regardless of allegiance.

For all of its members who would like to contribute, the ESC suggests you consider donating to organisations which maintain relief efforts to help civilians in regions of conflict and refugees, such as UNHCR and ICRC.

In addition, the ESC has reached out to the Ukrainian Association of Cardiology (UAC) to offer direct help to UAC members and their families. For any questions, or to offer support, ESC members should contact ncs@escardio.org.


Should your Society have made a statement or have a position on this conflict, we would be interested in you sharing these with us.

Best regards,

Prof Stephan Achenbach, ESC President, FESC

Prof Silvia Priori, ESC Vice-President, FESC

Prof Francesco Cosentino, ESC Vice-President, FESC  

Prof Petar Seferovic, ESC Vice-President, FESC